
Yeh, I.; Ghobadifard, M.; Feng, L.; Galievsky, V.; Radovanovic, P. V. “Origin of Dopant-Carrier Exchange Coupling and Excitonic Zeeman Splitting in Mn2+-Doped Lead Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals” Nano Letters. 2024, 24, 34, 10554-10561


Low-dimensional metal halide perovskites have unique optical and electrical properties that render them attractive for the design of diluted magnetic semiconductors. However, the nature of dopant-exciton exchange interactions that result in spin-polarization of host-lattice charge carriers as a basis for spintronics remains unexplored. Here, we investigate Mn2+-doped CsPbCl3 nanocrystals using magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy and show that Mn2+ dopants induce excitonic Zeeman splitting which is strongly dependent on the nature of the band-edge structure. We demonstrate that the largest splitting corresponds to exchange interactions involving the excited state at the M-point along the spin–orbit split-off conduction band edge. This splitting gives rise to an absorption-like C-term excitonic MCD signal, with the estimated effective g-factor (geff>) of ca. 70. The results of this work help resolve the assignment of absorption transitions observed for metal halide perovskite nanocrystals and allow for a design of new diluted magnetic semiconductor materials for spintronics applications.

Merino, Z. D.;Jaics, G. ;Jordan, A. W. M. ;Shetty, A. ; Yin, P. ; Tam, M. C. ; Wang, X. ; Waselewski, Z. R. ; Radovanovic, P. V. ; Baugh, J. “Enhancement of photoresponse for InGaAs infrared photodetectors using plasmonic WO3-x/CsyWO3-x nanocrystals” Nanotechnology. 2024, 136, 015201.


Fast and accurate detection of light in the near-infrared (NIR) spectral range plays a crucial role in modern society, from alleviating speed and capacity bottlenecks in optical communications to enhancing the control and safety of autonomous vehicles through NIR imaging systems. Several technological platforms are currently under investigation to improve NIR photodetection, aiming to surpass the performance of established III–V semiconductor p-i-n (PIN) junction technology. These platforms include in situ-grown inorganic nanocrystals (NCs) and nanowire arrays, as well as hybrid organic–inorganic materials such as graphene-perovskite heterostructures. However, challenges remain in NC and nanowire growth, large-area fabrication of high-quality 2D materials, and the fabrication of devices for practical applications. Here, we explore the potential for tailored semiconductor NCs to enhance the responsivity of planar metal–semiconductor–metal (MSM) photodetectors. MSM technology offers ease of fabrication and fast response times compared to PIN detectors. We observe enhancement of the optical-to-electric conversion efficiency by up to a factor of ∼2.5 through the application of plasmonically-active semiconductor nanorods and NCs. We present a protocol for synthesizing and rapidly testing the performance of non-stoichiometric tungsten oxide (WO3-x) nanorods and cesium-doped tungsten oxide (CsyWO3-x) hexagonal nanoprisms prepared in colloidal suspensions and drop-cast onto photodetector surfaces. The results demonstrate the potential for a cost-effective and scalable method exploiting tailored NCs to improve the performance of NIR optoelectronic devices.

Kenny-Wilby, A. ;Wedde, E. S. ;Zorn, S. ;Gojsevic, M. ;Radovanovic, P. V. “Dual Exciton Polarization in Bipolar CeO2–x Nanocrystals Controlled by Defect-Based Redox Processes” Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2024, 146, 26, 17986-17994.


Discovering alternative means to control electronic states in semiconductor nanostructures is the key to the development of new quantum technologies. Controlling the cyclotron motion of free charge carriers in semiconductor nanocrystals using an external magnetic field generates a tunable angular momentum, as a collective electronic degree of freedom, which can be imparted to the electronic band states to achieve complete exciton polarization. The sign of this polarization is determined by the type of majority charge carriers in a given lattice. Using magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy, we demonstrate a simultaneous polarization of excitonic states in substoichiometric oxygen-deficient CeO2–x nanocrystals associated with electrons and holes, which can be controlled by the thermal treatment of colloidal nanocrystals in oxidizing or reducing conditions. The presence of both occupied and unoccupied midgap states, due to Ce3+ 4f and Ce4+> 4f orbitals, respectively, allows for selective probing of the effect of holes in the valence band (VB → Ce4+ 4f) and electrons in the conduction band (Ce3+ 4f → CB). The two transitions show the opposite sign at 300 K due to the opposite angular momenta associated with cyclotron electrons and holes. The ability to manipulate Ce 4f-derived midgap states by defect formation during the synthesis or postsynthesis treatment allows for a range of new technological applications of CeO2–x nanocrystals in optoelectronics.

Shao, Q. ;Tandon, B. ;Yin, P. ;Radovanovic, P. V. “Atypical Excitonic Zeeman Splitting Pattern in Magnetically Doped In2O3 Nanocrystals: Competition between Native Defects and Dopants” Chemistry of Materials. 2024, 36, 8, 3908-3917.


Spin exchange interactions between transition metal dopants and electronic band charge carriers are responsible for spin polarization in diluted magnetic semiconductor (DMS) nanocrystals and their application in spintronics. Semiconducting metal oxides, such as In2O3, are promising host lattices for DMS oxides (DMSOs) owing to the high density and mobility of free charge carriers and their transparency and stability. While excitonic Zeeman splitting due to dopant-related spin exchange is much stronger than intrinsic Zeeman splitting in II–VI DMS nanocrystals, the relationship between dopant-induced and intrinsic Zeeman effects in DMSOs is poorly understood. Using a composition-based series of Co2+-doped In2O3 nanocrystals and employing magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy, we show that the excitonic Zeeman splitting induced by singly charged oxygen vacancies and Co2+ dopant ions has the opposite polarity but comparable magnitude, resulting in anomalous dependence of the exciton polarization on the Co2+ doping concentration. Furthermore, the exchange coupling between the excitonic states and Co2+ is strongly dependent on the NC volume for sizes approaching the quantum confinement regime but largely independent of the radial position of the dopants for larger NCs due to the spatially homogeneous wave function of the exciton. The results of this work provide new insights into the origin of excitonic Zeeman splitting in DMSO nanocrystals, enabling their application in spintronics and quantum information technologies.